The Salt Lake Tribune E-edition

Due to a false belief



Can someone please explain to me why an 18-year-old, a 30-yearold, or even a 70-year-old needs an assault weapon? The category of weapon simply explains what its design and usage is. Assault, as in kill people. No one needs to own this type of weapon.

And please, Second Amendment rights fans, do not be so disingenuous as to suggest the “left” is trying to take your guns. We are not. We are simply trying to make our schools, shopping malls, parks, hospitals, and every other locations safer.

You want to keep your 38 specials, or your Glocks, your 30.06’s, or your Smith & Wessons, please do so. But please practice gun safety. Have trigger locks. Have a safe. And most importantly, monitor who has access to your stockpile of weapons. Just don’t expect to have large clip capacities that turn these guns into killing machines. We are killing our country and simply due to a false belief that this is an attempt to steal or abridge your Second Amendment rights. Let me be clear…it is not!

Kent C. Overly





The Salt Lake Tribune