The Salt Lake Tribune E-edition



Today’s Birthday • You are intelligent and have a deep hunger for knowledge. You constantly try to improve yourself. You gain confidence as you grow older. This year you will receive recognition for your efforts. You might get a promotion, an award or some special acknowledgement. You deserve these kudos!

The stars show what kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic, 4-Positive, 3-Average, 2-So-so, 1-Difficult.

♈ Aries » March 21-April ★★★ The good 19 > news today is you might have innovative ideas about how to boost your earnings or use something you own in an inventive way. The bad news is that something unexpected could impact your wealth.

♉ Taurus » April 20-May ★★ Today you

20 » might do something rash. Guard against this. Pay attention to everything you say and do today to avoid saying or doing something you might later regret.

♊ Gemini » May 21-June 21 > ★★★ You feel as if you are chomping at the bit. The fact is that something going on behind the scenes might surprise you or catch you off guard.

♋ Cancer » June 22-July 22 > ★★★ Perhaps recently a friend or a member of a group surprised you. As a result, you might have left the group. Possibly, you introduced something unexpected and surprising to the group.

♌ Leo » July 23-Aug. 22 > ★★ This is the classic day to be busted by the police or your boss for doing something. Be aware of this and do some damage control if necessary.

Virgo » Aug. 23-Sept. 22 > ★★★ Travel plans will be changed, canceled or delayed. Alternatively, you might unexpectedly have to travel. In the same vein, school schedules might change. ♎ Libra » Sept. 23 -Oct. 22 > ★★★ Keep an eye on anything related to banking, shared property, inheritances, wills and insurance matters. Something could impact your partner’s wealth. On the upside, you might receive a boon or a gift.

♏ Scorpio » Oct. 23 - Nov 21 > ★★ Prepare yourself for a surprise when dealing with partners and close friends today. People close to you are unpredictable. A relationship might end. You might want more freedom in a relationship.

♐ Sagittarius » Nov. 22 Dec. 21 > ★★★ You might feel more emotional than usual about computer crashes, glitches in your work, something unexpected related to your health or even a surprise with your pet.

♑ Capricorn » Dec. 22 Jan. 19 > ★★ Parents need to take note that this is an accident-prone time for your children. Be vigilant. Protect them from hazardous situations. Sports accidents also might occur. Meanwhile, social plans will suddenly change.

♒ Aquarius » Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 > ★★★ Your home routine will be interrupted today. Small appliances might break down. Someone unexpected might knock at the door. It could be anything.

♓ Pisces » Feb. 19 - March 20 > ★★ Please note: This is an accident-prone day for you. Factoid. Therefore, pay attention to everything you say and do. Slow down. Think before you act or speak so that you have no regrets later.





The Salt Lake Tribune